On pantyhose arrow: ways to stop the creeping arrow and the rules of an inconspicuous seam

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On pantyhose arrow: ways to stop the creeping arrow and the rules of an inconspicuous seam
On pantyhose arrow: ways to stop the creeping arrow and the rules of an inconspicuous seam

Every woman knows about such an unpleasant surprise as a suddenly formed arrow on pantyhose. However, do not rush to immediately throw away such tights and run to the store for a new pair. First, learn how to stop the arrow on pantyhose with improvised means.

Stop the arrow with varnish

If your pantyhose has inadvertently formed an arrow, and you need to stop it as quickly as possible, then it is best to apply the method using ordinary nail polish. This method is convenient primarily because such an item as colorless nail polish is in the arsenal, perhaps, of every woman.

If the arrow went on the pantyhose, dip the brush in varnish and lightly wipe it on the edge of the bottle. Then run it over the tights at the end and at the beginning of the arrow. This must be done precisely from two sides, since the arrow can crawl into any of them. Once the polish dries, you can wear these tights for a while longer.

varnish for pantyhose
varnish for pantyhose

In principle, if there was no clear nail polish on hand,You can also use color. Of course, we are not talking about aesthetics in this case. But if the arrow is in a place not visible to others, then why not save the tights in this way.

Let's try to sew up

If an arrow has formed on high-density tights, then you can try to sew them up without letting it go down.

However, keep in mind that this is a very difficult matter, and if you want to stop the arrow that has gone, you can simply ruin the product. If the work is not accurate enough, other arrows may form in the neighborhood, and then the tights will definitely have to be thrown away.

arrow on pantyhose
arrow on pantyhose

You will need thread that matches the color of your tights and the finest needle you can find. Immediately apply varnish to the edges of the arrow before it begins to creep further. To make the work easier, pull the tights over your hand, as if on a hoop. Start darning the hole, trying not to miss a single loop. Otherwise, a second arrow may form very soon. Try to darn as neatly as possible so that the seam is almost invisible.


Approximately the same properties as nail polish, hairspray has. And, most likely, most women will find a bottle of varnish. So, if you find an arrow on the tights, just sprinkle a small amount of varnish on its beginning and end. The varnish will slightly glue the spreading fibers, and the arrow will stop crawling further. However, try not to spray it too close to the product. Because in this case it is inevitableyou will get divorces that will spoil the whole appearance of the already affected tights.

Arrow bonding

And if there was no hairspray or nail polish nearby, what should I do? The arrow on tights can be stopped with ordinary clerical glue. It is definitely in every home. So, apply a drop of glue to the place where the treacherous arrow originated, and also to where it stopped. The glue will dry and glue the fibers of the product.

Just remember that in the case of both nail polish and glue, you need to be extremely careful. After all, most often women use such methods in the workplace and do not have the opportunity to take off their tights. And glue and varnish tend to stick tights to the legs. Therefore, carefully pull back the place with the arrow before applying one of the saving compounds. Wait two minutes for the tights to dry before letting go.

Soap to help

Another very interesting and useful way to help stop the arrow on pantyhose is to use soap. However, it is only suitable for light tights. You will need dry bar soap.

dry soap
dry soap

Just rub the resulting arrow with a piece of soap and you can go about your business. This technique dries out the fibers of the fabric, and the product is preserved for some time.

How to prevent arrows from appearing in advance?

Of course, it is always better to make sure in advance than to rush to find ways to solve the problem later. Ideal for women who prefernylon tights or stockings, is to carry a spare pair in your purse.

transparent tights
transparent tights

Indeed, you never know whether a pair of tights worn in the morning will last you until the evening or not. But if you are not a fan of playing it safe and carrying a lot of things with you that can come in handy in a given situation, use proven tips to help you make tights stronger in advance.

Frozen tights

A very popular way is to freeze a new pair of tights overnight. So, all you need to do is wet your new pantyhose with water. Then pack them in a bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The next morning, remove the bag from the freezer in advance and let the tights thaw and dry. This procedure is done only once, after the purchase of tights. When they are dry, you can put them on and wear them in the most ordinary way. Freezing makes the fibers stronger, and the chance of getting a fray on tights is minimized.

Heating tights with an iron

Another way to strengthen new tights and prolong their life. In principle, it is even simpler than the first one. All you need is an iron. Set the iron to high temperature and carefully iron the new tights through the fabric.

Female stockings
Female stockings

By thermally treating tights, you will strengthen the fibers and also protect the product from holes and snags.

Preserving tights with varnish

Back to regular hairspray again. It will come in handy not only in the case when arrows have already formed on nylon tights, but also before this unpleasant moment, as a preventive measure. So, take a new pair of tights and hang them outdoors on clothespins. It is best to do this on the balcony. Shake the lacquer bottle so that the contents become a homogeneous consistency, and start spraying the tights. Please note that the varnish layer should be thin. Once you have applied it on both sides, let the tights air dry a little. After a couple of minutes, you can put them on. This method is the most effective, but you need to distribute the varnish evenly to avoid streaks.
