Green lipstick: emerging and trendy "green" ideas

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Green lipstick: emerging and trendy "green" ideas
Green lipstick: emerging and trendy "green" ideas

Custom lipstick shades are not as popular as the usual colors. However, they can be bought at the store. Subject to certain rules, even green lipstick can look unusual and attractive. And the wrong make-up threatens that the classic red color on the lips will look defiant and vulgar.

green lipstick
green lipstick


Green lipstick came from television. In the days when it was black and white, the use of red lipstick on announcers made the lips faded and inconspicuous. This was due to the use of red filters, which "ate" the color. Therefore, green lipstick began to be used, which helped to create the effect of painted lips. By the way, the compositions of the green palette were used as blush.

Bright lipsticks of a non-standard palette emphasize the imperfections of the skin of the face. If you decide to use a purple or green cosmetic product, you need to pay special attention to even out the complexion. Need to useconcealers to mask pimples, redness and bruising under the eyes. Then apply foundation and lightly powder the face.

Correct accents

To make the makeup beautiful, you should place the accents correctly. Since green lipstick will highlight the lips, the eyes should not be too bright. The best choice would be a neutral palette of shadows and well-colored eyelashes. You can use lipstick-colored eyeliner, but the arrows should be thin and graceful. This lipstick looks appropriate in combination with some detail of the dress of the same color or manicure.

Maybelline lipstick reviews
Maybelline lipstick reviews

Lovers of daring make-up can make two-tone lips. As a second tone, it is recommended to give preference to pink or red. First, the selected shade of green should be applied to the entire surface of the lips, then the second tone should be applied to the central area.

Suitable for

Green lipstick is the absolute hit of 2017. Moreover, the trend did not come from fashion shows, as it usually did, but from social networks. Now there are many stylish girls dictating fashion trends, thanks to the armies of subscribers and followers, some of them are becoming very popular.

green lipstick
green lipstick

According to stylists, green lipstick is a universal beauty tool suitable for all girls, regardless of color type. Light-skinned will suit emerald or cob alt tone, and owners of dark skin color should opt for olive or pale green.shade.

A less extravagant choice

If you want to add summer greenery to your look, but you don’t have enough courage to experiment with lipstick of this color, you can give preference to the shadows and eyeliner of this palette. Which will harmonize well with the natural palette of Maybelline lipsticks. Customer reviews positively characterize the cosmetics of the named brand. Of the pluses traditionally distinguished:

  • wide range of colors;
  • affordable price;
  • soft application;
  • lip hydration;
  • funds do not roll;
  • have a pleasant aroma.

Among the shortcomings, most customers point out not very high indicators of durability. What requires regular adjustment of bright lipsticks. Therefore, they cannot be called the best choice for important events when you want to look perfect for a long time. Reviews of pastel lipsticks "Maybelline" have more positive ratings, as their gradual erasure from the lips plays a less significant role.

Emerging lipstick

In appearance, green lipstick can be a mystery and take on a completely different color on the lips. It cannot be called a novelty, since it has been known for several decades. The modern product has a more natural composition. The color change is due to special ingredients. When applied, it does not have any shade, remaining colorless for several minutes. Then magic happens - a shade of pink-red palette appears on the lips. Due to the ability of the pigment, the color remains on the skin for several hours. The shade that appears on the lips depends on the concentration of the hematoxylin dye. The pigment is obtained from logwood trees growing in India. For the necessary chemical reaction, triterpene glycoside, produced from fish oils, is included in the composition. Its property is the inhibition of the oxidative process of the pigment. As a result of the combination of these two natural components, the pink color of the lipstick is obtained.

cheeky makeup
cheeky makeup

Not all of these products have a natural composition, some contain other components that may be hazardous to he alth. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the components. If there is no such information at all, you should refuse to buy a cosmetic product.

How to use a developing lipstick

Depending on the manufacturer, the initial color of the developing product varies from light to dark green. Lipstick is applied to dry and clean lips. To ensure even application, first smile and then gently apply on the lips. So that the product does not gather in the labial folds, you should wait for the manifestation of the shade. Then you can additionally use a transparent lip gloss.

dark green lipstick
dark green lipstick

For a harmonious make-up, the whole image as a whole is important. Then even green, purple, blue colors of cosmetics will not cause negative emotions in others.
