How much does hair extension cost, existing methods of extension

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How much does hair extension cost, existing methods of extension
How much does hair extension cost, existing methods of extension

Many of the girls, if they have not watched the cartoon about the beautiful Rapunzel, then at least they probably heard fairy tales about Russian beauties with long braids. Long hair, many believe, looks beautiful and attracts attention (in particular, men, and this is almost always the most important thing for beautiful ladies). But not everyone has such he althy hair and such strong patience in order to grow chic hair. Then hair extension methods will come to the aid of the wonderful women of the weaker sex.

Extension result
Extension result

A little more about extensions

Hair extension technique appeared not so long ago, about ten years ago. But for its short existence, building up has become quite popular among female beauties. Admit it, you, too, at least once in your life wondered how much hair extensions cost in a hairdresser?Any woman wants to turn into a long-haired princess in just one day … The question is, which of the methods of instant hair lengthening existing in the world is right for you? First of all, everyone is interested in how much hair extensions cost and how is it done? To find out, read the article below…

Hot extension method: Italian technology, or capsule extension

In this extension method, other strands of hair are attached to your own using hot resin. Resins with special clips are heated to a high temperature, which forms a small capsule at the place where your natural hair is attached to artificial hair.

Each of the extension technologies has its pros and cons. So, if we talk about the positive aspects of Italian hair extensions, we can note:

  • the effect will not leave you for six months;
  • you will not feel any interference while combing your hair;
  • your hair will not tangle.

And if you think about the negative aspects:

  • due to the high temperature when "gluing" the strands, your own hair can be burned;
  • due to the same high temperature, forget about trips to southern countries, and don’t even think about going to the bath or sauna, unless, of course, you want to return home after that with strands of hair falling out in your hands;
  • Be careful when using hair dryers, irons, curling irons and other appliances that heat your hair.

How much does a capsular hair extension cost?Its price largely depends on what length of strands you choose and how many strands are required. The average price of such an extension is thirteen thousand rubles.

English technology

Hair extension
Hair extension

This method uses resin again. Strands in the form of a small ball are attached to the back of the head. The process of such an extension takes place at a low temperature, and the place of attachment of the strands is well masked. There are also disadvantages of this technology, for example, hair can simply fall out of a not very reliable fastening, just like in the previous method, high temperature can badly affect your hair. What is the price? Hair extensions using this technology cost an average of eight thousand rubles.

Cold extension method, or tape extension

Here, artificial hair is glued in strands on a special tape, which is then glued with special glue at the very roots of your hair.


  • this method is much faster (the procedure usually takes no more than one hour) and safer for your own hair;
  • the joints of their own and "glued" strands are not visible.

The only disadvantage of this extension is that the glue can cause allergies.

How much does a tape hair extension cost? Here again, it all depends on the type of hair that you pick up, the length of its strands and the amount you need. The price range can vary from eight to thirty-five thousand rubles.

Spanish method

The artificial strands are attached to yours with a special glue. The hair is not weighed down by this method of extension, and the natural strands are almost not damaged during their fastening and wearing. As for the negative sides, this method is not suitable for girls with dark shades of hair, because the glue that is used in this case is always light in color. An allergic reaction on the scalp is also possible. What is the price? Hair extensions using the Spanish method cost from eight thousand rubles.

Long hair
Long hair

Extensions using metal beads, or Japanese extensions

To attach the artificial hair to your natural strands, metal capsules are used, the color of which is matched to the shade of natural hair, so the capsules remain invisible. This method does not involve any glue, and therefore there can be no allergic reaction, and you don’t have to worry about the he alth of your scalp. As for the cons, due to the weight of the metal beads, your hair can start to break and fall out, and the method also requires a high extension skill from the master himself (like Spanish), so it is rarely used in practice. What is the price? Hair extensions using the Japanese method will cost you about seven and a half thousand rubles.

hair extension process
hair extension process

We advise you to carefully consider the choice of extension method, as a mistake can cost you dearly.

Good luck, be beautiful and cheerful!
