How to whiten your face: the best ways and means

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How to whiten your face: the best ways and means
How to whiten your face: the best ways and means

Many women consider excessive facial skin pigmentation to be ugly, so they prefer to get rid of it. This can be done both in the beauty parlor and at home. How to whiten your face is described in the article.

General information

Complexion forms an impression of a person, his he alth. Ideal skin deteriorates due to various ailments, bad habits, negative external factors. For example, problems with blood vessels lead to a patchy skin tone, smoking - to yellow, sunburn - to red, diseases of internal organs - to grayish.

how to whiten face
how to whiten face

With age, women need to improve the condition of the face, whiten it. But the desire for beauty is different from the real need. Be sure to bleach when:

  1. Excessive pigmentation in the form of spots, lentigo, freckles, chloasma.
  2. Long exposure to the sun.
  3. Very dark skin.
  4. The presence of traces of recent procedures in the salon.
  5. Redish nodule-like formations.
  6. Grayish or yellowish complexion.

In these situations, the epidermis really needswhitening and proper care. To do this, you can not go to the salon. It is enough to learn how to whiten the skin of the face at home.

Causes of strong pigmentation

The appearance of this deficiency may be due to external and internal factors. Usually pigmentation appears over the years, that is, it is considered acquired. Often associated with:

  1. Changes in the hormonal system, age-related changes in the body.
  2. Intoxication of the body.
  3. Intense UV exposure.
  4. Taking certain medications.
  5. Lack of vitamins.
  6. The consequences of cured skin diseases.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, liver.

In these cases, it is necessary to begin to improve the body, and then proceed to solve the aesthetic issue. There are many folk remedies that allow you to whiten and heal the skin. Natural ingredients are not harmful, but you must follow simple rules: do not apply them around the eyes, and apply creams after the procedures.

Hydrogen peroxide

How can you whiten your face at home? For this, a simple but effective remedy is suitable - hydrogen peroxide. The skin becomes brighter, black spots and rashes are also eliminated. In a pharmacy, you can buy a solution of up to 3% to prevent burns or dry skin.

how to whiten face skin
how to whiten face skin

It is advisable to perform the procedure every week if the skin is dry, and 2 times if it is oily. The course is a month. You have to repeat after a few months. With hydrogen peroxidemake masks like:

  1. Yeast. It is necessary to prepare a remedy from dry yeast and hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon each). Apply the mask for 15 minutes. It is suitable for dry to normal skin.
  2. Curd. Fatty cottage cheese (1 spoon) must be mixed with yolk, peroxide (a few drops). The mask should be applied to the face and removed after 15 minutes.

Be aware that hydrogen peroxide brightens not only the skin, but also the eyebrows.


You can whiten your face with lemon, as its juice has brightening properties. In addition, it will give the skin a he althy shade, as well as eliminate rashes. It is useful to rub the juice into the skin or prepare masks:

  1. Lemon honey. It is necessary to mix honey, juice and olive oil (1 teaspoon each). Get a liquid. The mask should be applied to the face with a cotton swab. Procedures improve blood flow, and the composition is quickly absorbed. Residues must be washed off after 15 minutes.
  2. Glyceric. You will need apple and lemon juice (½ teaspoon each) and glycerin (1 teaspoon). For the first session, it is necessary to reduce the amount of citrus juice, as a burning sensation appears. And then you can increase.


Soda has whitening properties. It is also used in cosmetology. Products with this product are ideal for oily skin, as the substance dries it well. The product eliminates blackheads, oily sheen, enlarged pores.

how to whiten face
how to whiten face

How to whiten your face with soda? To prepare the mask, you need baking sodaand natural soap (in oil). Soap foam is applied to the face, and then soda is rubbed. Wash off the mask after 5 minutes.


How to whiten your face in a gentle way? For this, kefir masks are used. These products are ideal for dry and sensitive skin. They are considered delicate and safe. In addition, kefir has a softening and nourishing effect.

To prepare the mask, you will need a cucumber (1 pc.), Which must be grated. After that, kefir is added (2-3 teaspoons), everything is mixed. You can apply the mask on your face and wash it off after 15-20 minutes. You need to perform the procedures 2-3 times a week.

There is another mask for the skin, which is prepared from kefir (50 g), egg yolk, lemon juice (1 teaspoon), vodka (1 teaspoon). The ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied with cotton on the face, neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, you can wash off. The mask is suitable for dry and oily skin types.


How to whiten the face from age spots, as well as rejuvenate the skin? This is what parsley is for. Products based on it smooth wrinkles, saturate the skin with valuable components, and eliminate dark circles around the eyes.

You can prepare a composition from a bunch of parsley and dandelion leaves. They must be finely chopped and poured with mineral water. The product is infused for 12 hours, and then can be used to wipe the skin of the face. Parsley quickly gets rid of age spots and brightens freckles.

Special ice is also used for procedures. Parsley must be scrolled through a meat grinder and squeezed out the juice. Hismixed with water in a ratio of 1:1. Then the product is poured into molds and put into the freezer. Ready ice wipe the skin daily. Wash your face after 10-20 minutes.

Used for the face infusion of parsley. Greens must be cut, placed in a container and pour boiling water. After insisting for 30 minutes, you can wipe your face with a cotton pad. Procedures can be performed every day. Parsley is also suitable for dry skin types.

Fruit masks

How to whiten spots on the face, and even saturate the skin with vitamins? In this case, you can use fruit masks. Suitable red, black currant, viburnum. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, gauze is moistened and applied to freckles, spots for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash. Grapefruit is also suitable for the procedure.

how to whiten face from age spots
how to whiten face from age spots

A blackberry mask (1 tablespoon), powdered milk (in the same amount) has a good effect. The components are mixed, the composition is applied to age spots. After 3 days, a positive effect will be noticeable. Honey can be added to the pulp of berries. The mask is applied to the pigmented areas, and washed off after 15 minutes.

You can wipe your face with slices of grapefruit, pineapple, lemon. Thanks to fruit acids, skin lightening occurs, the color becomes even. Fresh fruits and berries eliminate pigmentation and saturate the skin with valuable vitamins and minerals.

Herbal masks

Medicinal herbs are also able to even out skin tone, eliminate irritation, inflammation, narrow pores. Infusions are made from plants. 1 st. l. herbs neededpour boiling water (1 cup). Infusion is performed for an hour. Then the remedy must be filtered. It can be frozen into cubes and used as a facial lotion on ice.

Licorice root, yarrow, coltsfoot have medicinal properties. Bearberry, birch buds, chamomile have a brightening effect. In infusions, you can add 3-5 drops of essential oils of birch, rosemary, fir, tea tree.

Danger and contraindications

Before making homemade masks, you should read the contraindications. Natural ingredients are aggressive for the skin. In excessive amounts, acids can corrode the epidermis, depleting it. Caution should be followed when:

  1. Skin diseases (rosacea, keratosis, melanoma).
  2. Facial injuries.
  3. Unhealed wounds.
  4. Stitched.
  5. Performing a salon procedure within the next month.
  6. Large inflamed area.
  7. Hypersensitive, thin, dry, dehydrated skin.
face whitening products
face whitening products

If whitening at home did not bring results, but on the contrary, worsened the situation, you need a long recovery. And what it includes, a specialist should advise.

There are also professional whitening products for the face. It can be creams, masks, scrubs. Facial whitening peels are also sold. It is enough to perform the procedures correctly to get a visible effect. The following review will help you choose the right product.


Clay-based mask has a whitening property and allows you to eliminate:

  1. Uneven tan.
  2. Freckles, age spots.
  3. Spots of tanning in the solarium.
  4. Negative effects of home peeling.

There are several types of cosmetic clay. Each is designed for a specific skin type:

  1. White is for oily.
  2. Grey - dry.
  3. Green is sluggish.
  4. Red is hypersensitive.
  5. Pink is universal.
  6. Yellow - combined.
  7. Black is normal.
  8. Blue - problematic.

It is advisable to choose a suitable type of clay. Masks can be supplemented with bleaching agents that improve the effect. These include vegetable and fruit juices, herbal decoctions, the pulp of berries. Regular use of masks quickly yields positive results.

Blue clay will be an effective whitening agent. You can use one of the recipes. Clay must be mixed with tomato juice and kefir (all 1.5 tbsp each). The mask should be applied to the face for ¼ hours, and then washed off with warm water. You can perform the procedures in 2-3 days.

Make a mask of white clay (1.5 tablespoons), cucumber juice, lemon juice. The components must be mixed until a creamy composition is obtained. The mask is kept for 15-20 minutes, and then the face is rinsed with warm water. Usually, after such procedures, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin for a softening effect.

Clinicians Complex

This is a face whitening cream that still copes with pigmentedscars, as well as freckles and age marks. The special composition allows you to whiten, but not dry the skin.

The main cream is kojic acid, so the product can be used for thin and dry skin. They need to be used 2 times a day, applied in a thin layer. The effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks. But the price of such a cream is from 11 thousand rubles. for 60 ml.


How to quickly whiten your face? Meladerm is one of the leaders in whitening. Its composition is natural, there are no chemical additives in it, the product is suitable for everyone due to the absence of contraindications.

how to whiten spots on face
how to whiten spots on face

Using the product will get rid of freckles, blackheads, various spots, pigmentation. You need to use it every day. Then, after a month, the transformation of the face will be noticeable. The cost is from 6 thousand rubles.

Mask "Belita Vitex"

How to whiten your face more affordable? To do this, you can choose the Belita Vitex mask, which is effective. The product is created in Belarus using "smart" clarification technology. Active ingredients are able to act only on places that need whitening.

To prevent pigmentation, use the mask regularly. It costs from 170 rubles. A month later, the skin of the face will acquire radiance and a he althy color.


They are produced by different manufacturers. How to whiten the skin of the face with serums? They should be applied before bed. To achieve maximum effect, it is desirable to cleanse the facewith a non-aggressive scrub. The most popular products of this line include:

  1. Ultra Brightening Serum from Ultraceuticals - over 7 thousand rubles.
  2. Blanc Expert Melanolyser - from 700 rubles.
  3. "White linen" - from 200 rubles.


Although there are ways to deal with pigmentation, it is much easier to prevent its occurrence. To do this, you need to eliminate the factors that can lead to this condition. If necessary, you must undergo a medical examination and follow the doctor's instructions.

You need to protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation:

  1. Don't go to the solarium.
  2. Use sunscreen before going out on a sunny day.
  3. You need to sunbathe only at safe times: before 11 am or after 5 pm.
whitening facial peel
whitening facial peel

Pigmentation of the skin is considered an unpleasant phenomenon. You can get rid of this at home. The sooner you start acting, the more likely it is that radical solutions to the problem will not be required.

Suitable products can be selected for different skin types and at the desired price. But the result does not always depend on the cost. The result is enhanced by the use of the gifts of nature. Facial whitening at home is easy if you follow the recommendations and use caution.
