The best lymphatic drainage devices: overview, description and types

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The best lymphatic drainage devices: overview, description and types
The best lymphatic drainage devices: overview, description and types

The constant negative impact of the environment gradually leads to stagnation of the lymph, which, in turn, provokes metabolic disorders, and also slows down cell regeneration and often causes cellulite. A special procedure for which lymphatic drainage devices are used will help to cope with this. It stimulates the movement of lymph, while not harming human he alth, but relieving him of unnecessary problems.

lymphatic drainage massage machine
lymphatic drainage massage machine

Lymphatic drainage

Few people know, but in fact the beauty and he alth of each person directly depends on the state of his lymphatic system, which is a multitude of thin vessels penetrating all the internal organs and tissues of the body. The free flow of fluid connective tissue helps in ensuring the full return of proteins, s alts, and metabolites to the blood vessels from the tissues.

Apparatuslymphatic drainage are designed to optimize the movement of lymph and eliminate excess fluid from the intercellular space. Pathological processes arise and develop due to a decrease in vascular tone and fluid retention, where toxins and slags accumulate that harm the body. It is thanks to them that edema, inflammation are noticed on the surface of the skin, as well as metabolism is disturbed and fat cells accumulate.

lymphatic drainage devices
lymphatic drainage devices

Elimination of lymph stagnation, which is perfectly helped by modern lymphatic drainage devices, it is necessary for:

  • cleansing the body of decay products;
  • removing excess fluid;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • optimize metabolism and breakdown of fat cells.


Lymphatic drainage has a healing effect, eliminates and prevents future skin and soft tissue problems. These procedures are used by people with the following face and body problems:

  • cellulite;
  • puffiness;
  • overweight;
  • small scars;
  • varicose veins (only at the initial stage);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • reduced skin elasticity.


Before performing lymphatic drainage massage, you must make sure that there are no contraindications. This procedure should not be done at home or by a specialist if you have the following problems:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation or ulcers;
  • heart failure;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
home lymphatic drainage machine
home lymphatic drainage machine

Varieties of lymphatic drainage

A procedure such as lymphatic drainage can be performed using various techniques that differ in the way they are carried out and the depth of exposure. In modern cosmetology, the following types of lymphatic drainage are practiced:

  1. Manual. The purpose of this procedure is to influence the lymphatic vessels and remove excess fluid. This method makes it possible to provide a deeper impact. It has a minimum number of contraindications, although it works on the most inaccessible and delicate areas. The technique can be superficial (affects the vessels of the upper layers of the dermis), deep (normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic vessels in the deeper layers of the dermis), as well as internal (restores the functioning of the lymph nodes located in delicate areas).
  2. Hardware. The procedure is carried out with the help of special means, and its main goal is the activation of muscle work. Thanks to hardware lymphatic drainage, anyone can achieve incredible results in a short time.
face lymphatic drainage machine
face lymphatic drainage machine

Recently, the hardware version is gaining more and more popularity. It can be used to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Vacuum. Negative pressure is created to process the lymph flow lines, after which blood flow to soft tissues is provoked, lymph flow increases and muscle tone increases.
  2. Myostimulation. The lymph nodes are stimulated with an electric current, thereby increasing the lymph flow and contracting the muscles.
  3. Pressotherapy. With the help of a special suit that can be worn on the whole body and on a separate part of it, there is an impulse air pressure, which allows you to stimulate the muscles.
  4. Microcurrent therapy. Low-frequency electric current affects muscle and nerve fibers, which makes it possible to increase lymph flow, improve blood circulation, and also improve the entire body.
  5. Endermology. The roller vacuum device affects the body, relaxes and tones the internal processes, and improves the general condition of the skin.

Procedure at home

The home lymphatic drainage apparatus for the face, legs, arms and other parts of the body is an excellent replacement for the procedure in the salon. With it, you can not only have fun and improve your he alth without leaving your home, but also save money. It can sometimes be problematic to achieve the desired results at home, but the right technique and a good apparatus will help to avoid trouble.

The simplest lymphatic drainage facial massage is performed by medical vacuum jars. As a rule, people start using them when they find signs of aging, bags under the eyes or swelling. These silicone products, which can be usedan unlimited number of times, will cost 900-1300 rubles, and a one-time procedure in a specialized salon will cost about 2000-2500 rubles.

lymphatic drainage apparatus for legs
lymphatic drainage apparatus for legs

Another advantage of cans is their ease of use. For a full-fledged procedure, you will need to apply massage oil to your face, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. Then you need to press on the walls of the cans, releasing air, fix them on problem areas and gently slide them along the massage lines.

In the case when it is necessary to carry out a procedure for the legs, banks will not work in any way. To do this, you will need to purchase another lymphatic drainage apparatus. Pressotherapy is a fairly popular method of lymphatic drainage, which requires a compressor and separate elements of a leg suit. The average cost of the device is 50,000 rubles, as well as a course of 30 procedures in the salon.

The lymphatic drainage massage machine at home is very easy to operate. In appearance and principle of operation, it is very similar to the cuff of a tonometer. With the help of a compressor, air enters the suit, and a sufficiently dense material presses on the skin, squeezing out the liquid and stimulating metabolic processes. Immediately after this, there is a period of relaxation, followed by pressure again. During the procedure, a person feels comfortable, because for each model of such a device, you can independently adjust the force of impact, which will provide pleasant sensations.

Expected results

Apparatus for lymphatic drainage facial massage andbody significantly improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin, helps to eliminate signs of aging and flabbiness of the skin, and also actively fights cellulite. After the first procedures at home or in a specialized salon, a person will feel much better, because along with changes outside, the water balance normalizes, swelling decreases, toxins and toxins are removed. In addition, lymphatic drainage improves the immune system and overall skin he alth.

lymphatic drainage apparatus pressotherapy
lymphatic drainage apparatus pressotherapy

The best lymphatic drainage devices listed below will help to cope with any problems for both women and men. These innovative devices will make everyone's dream come true. And more detailed information about them will help you choose the most suitable option for yourself.


Lymphatic drainage apparatus for home from the popular company Doctor Life has a simple and understandable menu, which is absolutely not overloaded with unnecessary buttons. Its cost is 60 thousand rubles, which fully justifies its functionality.

The device is used for the following ailments:

  • cellulite;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • "tired legs" syndrome;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • obesity at any stage;
  • varicose veins;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • insomnia;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • low immunity;
  • frequent stress;
  • lymph edema.

Lymphatic drainage apparatus: reviews

Such a wonderful tool simply cannot have negative reviews. During the entire existence of the device, buyers have never spoken negatively about it, since it has much more advantages than disadvantages. Most often, people note that the device pays for itself quite quickly, because it can be used for several years, using it to massage various areas.

In addition, the device has earned its popularity due to the comfort in carrying out the procedure on its own. According to experienced users, with this device you do not have to endure any pain, which is often seen with other expensive devices for cosmetology and physiotherapy.

Also, people talk about the presence of a considerable number of indications and the almost complete absence of contraindications. Pressotherapy really helps in many cases for all people, regardless of gender and age.

lymphatic drainage facial massage machine
lymphatic drainage facial massage machine

New 8310Н

Another great pressotherapy machine is a high performance beauty salon equipment. The price is approximately 60 thousand rubles.

Includes boots, hands, wide belt, pants and waist. And the indications for use are:

  • impaired blood circulation;
  • cellulite;
  • high body weight;
  • venous insufficiency.

Customer feedback

The lymphatic drainage machine for legs, arms and other parts of the body has goodreviews, as it is silent in operation, has high power and is light in weight. With its help, many people got rid of even those problems that doctors could not cure. The device helps to achieve the desired result in about 5-10 sessions, which also pleases customers.
