How to pump up lips: ways and means, photos before and after, reviews

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How to pump up lips: ways and means, photos before and after, reviews
How to pump up lips: ways and means, photos before and after, reviews

Standards of female beauty are always changing. In pursuit of them, girls can go to any lengths, especially when it comes to newfangled procedures. Plump lips are all the rage right now. Those who have them by nature are lucky, but women with thin lips have to look for ways to somehow increase them. Plastic surgery has long ceased to be the only way out of this situation. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this through injections, as well as using modern cosmetology.

Lip silicone is a thing of the past

Many are afraid of any surgical method to increase the volume of the lips. This is not at all surprising, since many famous women have shown by their own example how vulgar lips can look after silicone is pumped into them. In the early 2000s, after the fashion for silicone breasts arose, everyone immediately wanted to pump up their lips. Photos of actresses and singers with natural beauty, forced women to go for it, despite the fear of the consequences. The only thing doctors offered at that time wasit's silicone that turned lips into cakes.

Women decided on such procedures more than ten years ago. They did not take into account the possible consequences and how artificial the mouth would look. The main disadvantages of pumping silicone into the lips were as follows:

  • Absolutely unnatural origin of silicone. This material does not take root in the body quite well.
  • The appearance of scars in the tissues. Because of them, silicone made the lips less sensitive, which subsequently contributed to their even more swelling.
  • Silicone could move from the lips to other parts of the face. It looked terrifying, huge swellings and bumps interfered with normal life, and to get rid of them, I had to go under the scalpel again.

In modern society, no one goes to such torment and risks in order to pump up his lips. This is because new, absolutely safe methods have appeared that help make lips plump and voluminous. Starting from professional cosmetics and ending with injections. Lip augmentation is no longer a dangerous and difficult operation. Therefore, every girl can fulfill her dream by pumping her lips with hyaluronic acid. Reviews about it are very good, so it makes sense to think about this technique.

the better to pump lips
the better to pump lips

Hyaluronic acid injections

Cosmetologists have developed a unique preparation containing synthesized hyaluronic acid. In the body, it is produced by human connective tissue. Being in the composition of the latter, the mentioned substance maintains the level of moisture in the skin. Butwith age, it becomes smaller. Then injections of hyaluronic acid can come to the rescue, which, by the way, are used not only to enlarge the lips, but also to replenish moisture in the skin.

The procedure is performed by a cosmetologist, making microscopic punctures with a needle in the client's lips. Lips after injections acquire the volume that is discussed in advance. Their plumpness depends on how much money was injected there. The effect of injections can last up to 1 year. The product dissolves on its own, and the lips simply imperceptibly become smaller and smaller. If there is a search with the amount of hyaluronic acid, you can inject a substance that will speed up the resorption process.

how to fill lips with hyaluronic acid
how to fill lips with hyaluronic acid

Benefits of hyaluronic injections

Pumping lips in this way is the best solution for their first increase. The procedure has no disadvantages, only some pluses and advantages over other methods. Among them are the following:

  1. No rejection by the body.
  2. Small list of contraindications. It is enough just not to have wounds and inflammations on the lips. Also, contraindications include the presence of an allergy to this substance, as well as pregnancy and lactation.
  3. The acid literally spreads over the lips without creating lumps, bumps or bumps.
  4. It can not only increase the volume of the lips, but also get rid of their dryness and the appearance of cracks. That is why hyaluronic acid injections are often given to smooth wrinkles on the face.
  5. Sometimes you don't have to pump uplips, but only to correct their shape. In this case, the named injections will also help.
  6. The lips do not turn into cakes, but look very natural and natural. Of course, the amount of drug administered plays a big role.
  7. The swelling will last no more than a week, but even during this period, the lips will not lose their sensitivity.
  8. Speed of procedure. Usually one hour in the beautician's chair is enough to see a great result for a whole year.

More and more young girls prefer to pump up their lips in this way (before and after the procedure, we bring to your attention in the article). As you can see, the results are excellent. Injections allow you to quickly acquire the desired shape and volume, do not contain a large list of contraindications, and also provide for a reverse procedure if the result is not satisfactory.

before and after acid injection
before and after acid injection

How lips are pumped with hyaluronic acid

Pumping lips with Botox is no longer fashionable, so this popular method should be tried. The procedure itself does not take more than 1 hour. First, the cosmetologist anesthetizes the lips and the skin around them with a special gel. Then he takes a syringe with a very thin needle and makes small punctures in his lips, carefully distributing hyaluronic acid. The most popular companies producing the described acid are the following:

  • Juvederm;
  • Restylane;
  • "Teosyal";
  • Belotero.

Cosmetologists most often advise pumping lips with these drugs. They have been field tested andcause complications during the procedure. When using them, you can not worry about the quality of the procedure. But in no case should you inject hyaluronic acid into your lips with your own hands while at home. If you pump your lips with acid with your own hands, the result is unlikely to please you. This is fraught with serious consequences! This procedure can only be done by a certified specialist.

pump up lips before and after photo
pump up lips before and after photo

Reviews after hyaluronic injections

A lot of girls decided to pump up their lips with hyaluronic acid. Feedback on this procedure they leave very positive. But keep in mind that only those who ended up in a good clinic give high marks to the results. And many say that this is the most important nuance of the whole procedure. Those who fell into bad hands cannot get rid of the severe consequences of injections. Their lips turned out uneven, as the specialist incorrectly distributed the amount of hyaluronic acid.

Judging by the numerous responses, choosing a good clinic is the key to a successful procedure and the desired result.

Lip augmentation with home care

You can make lips more plump and seductive in natural ways. We will not talk about how to pump up lips at home, since it is impossible to do this without visiting a beautician. But it will not be difficult to emphasize their natural beauty. To do this, you can do the following procedures:

  • Massage. Lightly massaging the skin of the lips with a regular toothbrush will improve blood circulation in the vessels, so the lips will visually become plumper. The benefits of massage don't end there. If ado it twice a day, after each brushing your teeth, you can forget for a long time what dryness and flaking of the skin are. This type of cleaning removes dead skin cells from the surface of the lips, making them smooth and tender. Lipstick after the massage will be applied perfectly evenly. The effect of daily massage will be prolonged if you do not forget about the regularity of the procedure.
  • Scrub. Using it at least 3 times a week will make lips plumper and softer. You can prepare a scrub from improvised means that can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. All you need is some sugar and olive oil. After mixing these simple ingredients, you should massage your lips for about 1 minute. Then leave for another 1 minute to absorb nutrients. You can wash off the scrub with a wet cotton pad or water.
home remedies for lip volume
home remedies for lip volume

Express lip augmentation with essential oils

Pumping lips with hyaluronic acid is not the only way to achieve their plumpness. With the help of essential oils, you can increase the volume of the lips for 2-3 hours. The term is short, but the effect of the procedure will be very impressive. This method can be used if there is an important event at which you want to look stunning. The bonus is that essential oils are wonderful for taking care of the skin of the lips. You can use the following recipes:

  • Cinnamon oil. This substance intensively affects the vessels and enhances blood circulation. Thanks to this, the lips become not only plump, but also more exciting in appearance. You can add a little oil to your favorite skin care product.behind the lips and enjoy at any time. Within 2-3 minutes after applying the product, the lips may tingle or burn a little. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • Peppermint oil. Peppermint essential oil acts on the skin of the lips in the same way as cinnamon - improves blood flow. From it on the skin will be a light, pleasant chill. To prepare an express remedy, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly with a couple of drops of essential oil. Such a balm can be placed in any small jar and always carried with you.
  • Essential oil of pepper. You should take the essential oil of cayenne pepper and put a few drops into the gloss. But it will give a greater effect if you prepare a homemade lip balm. To do this, mix 1 large spoon of unrefined coconut oil, 1/3 of the same spoon of cocoa butter, and then add about 25 drops of almond oil to the resulting mixture. After that, you can add the main ingredient - 2 drops of pepper essential oil. You will get quite a large amount of balm. Therefore, you need to find an empty bottle of gloss in your cosmetic bag, rinse it well with the applicator, and pour the home remedy into it.

Use essential oils for lips strictly according to recipes. Otherwise, you can burn their delicate skin.

Home Remedy Reviews

Many girls are looking for comments on how to pump up lips. Reviews always contain truthful information about both visits to the beautician and the use of home remedies. As a rule, everyone agrees on the following results:

  • Most women really like the effect of lip augmentation with essentialoils. First, they recommend doing a massage with a toothbrush, then applying a scrub, and completing the care with a homemade balm. A complete set of home treatments makes lips well-groomed, smooth and plump. But the swelling, unfortunately, lasts no more than two hours.
  • Many say that if you constantly use lip gloss, which has added pepper or cinnamon oil, they really increase. But at the same time, they warn that this technique should not be abused, since after repeated use of the product within one day, the next morning, the lips may turn red in places.
  • The most frequent positive reviews are those related to daily lip massage with a brush. The girls claim that this procedure cleans the lips well from peeling and makes them very soft. But together they regret that the effect of swelling of the lips quickly passes.

Pump lips with lipofilling

This injection method is very often used in European countries. In our area, it is also quite popular, although not in the same way as hyaluronic acid injections.

Lipofilling is the filling of the desired area on the skin with your own fat. With injections, fat cells adapt well in a new place, filling the space with themselves. If you pump up your lips in this way, then it almost never causes complications, because your own adipose tissue is taken for the procedure. And this does not contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.

pump up lips photo
pump up lips photo

How is the lipofilling procedure performed

If you see those who dareto pump up the lips before and after the procedure, it may seem that everything is very simple. It seems that lip augmentation in this way is very easy and fast. However, this is not at all the case. Taking a small amount of subcutaneous fat from a client is not difficult. But then it must be carefully processed and prepared for injections in the lips.

Doctors clean the extracted fat and dilute it to the desired consistency. This preparation will take about two days. This solution is then injected into the person's lips using a very thin needle that will not leave marks. So that the client does not feel pain from injections, he is given a good painkiller, and local anesthesia is also used, which can be either an injection or a special gel.

Lipofilling has a longer duration of action, unlike injections with hyaluronic acid (you can pump up your lips with it for a maximum of 1 year). Therefore, lipofilling is preferred by those who want to enlarge them from a rather small size. Among all the advantages of this method, the following stand out the most:

  • virtually no risk of scarring;
  • the input material will not be rejected;
  • suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • effect duration - from 2 to 3 years;

The dream of every woman who does not have a sensual mouth is to pump up her lips. Photos before and after injections help them take this step. Beautiful, full lips make any girl more attractive. If there is an opportunity for their increase and correction, you need to try one of the above methods. And to reallyto see the effect, it is better to try injection procedures on yourself. Unlike home methods, they really change the size of the lips, making them voluminous. Also, injections can even out the contour, completely replacing the tattoo procedure.

lips after treatment
lips after treatment

Reviews of women about lipofilling

Almost all women who decide on the procedure speak positively about lipofilling. With it, you can not only increase the lips, but also smooth wrinkles on the face. Many people do two of these procedures at once in one visit to a cosmetology clinic. True, about two weeks after injections, everyone complains of swelling of the face, but this is an inevitable process of skin restoration. After the second week, the swelling disappears, and the reflection in the mirror begins to please. Then everyone notices the miraculous properties of injections.

The fair sex writes that the lipofilling procedure helped them gain confidence in themselves and their beauty. And those who have been born with very thin lips for a long time cannot get used to the new volume of the lips. It may even seem to some that they made a mistake and overdid it. But after a month, when there is no trace of swelling left, they will definitely change their minds.
