Mesotherapy of the skin of the face: indications for the procedure, features of the procedure, photos before and after

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Mesotherapy of the skin of the face: indications for the procedure, features of the procedure, photos before and after
Mesotherapy of the skin of the face: indications for the procedure, features of the procedure, photos before and after

You can hardly find a woman who does not care about her appearance. Most of the fair sex strive to be beautiful. That is why, noticing the first wrinkle or any aesthetic defect in the mirror, many people immediately panic. To restore beauty and youth, women begin to use all possible means or go to a beauty salon, where they can be offered one of the most miraculous procedures, which is facial skin mesotherapy.

woman with flower
woman with flower

We can say that today it is a mega-popular innovative rejuvenation technique that cosmetology offers.

Mechanism of action

What is such a procedure as facial skin mesotherapy? It is recommended to learn about it even before visiting a beauty salon in order to determine the needusing such a radical technique. The fact is that mesotherapy of the skin of the face has its own characteristics. And not every woman can accept them. What are they?

  1. If we consider cosmetic and medical terminology, facial mesotherapy is nothing more than subcutaneous injection of active drugs. Such funds have a powerful effect on the processes that occur at the cellular level.
  2. The effectiveness of facial skin mesotherapy is quite high. However, do not expect instant results from the procedure. No magic will happen after one injection. To achieve this goal, you will need to complete the full course, which includes a certain number of sessions. You need to understand that one injection contains a meager dosage that will not allow a woman to regain beauty and youth.
  3. In the direction of facial mesotherapy, there are a large number of very different innovative techniques. Their use will save a woman from many problems. For those who are afraid of injections, non-injection technology can be offered.

For the first time, mesotherapy was applied by the French doctor Michel Pistor in 1958. However, in the middle of the twentieth century. it was only used for medical purposes (pain relief).


What result can be obtained after facial skin mesotherapy? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. This will depend on many circumstances, including the individual characteristics of the organism, the chosen method, and the drug. importantthe skill of the cosmetologist will also play a role in achieving the desired result. In the event that the specialist performs the procedure in accordance with all the rules, the woman will be able to get rid of many cosmetic defects that previously did not allow her to live in peace. In beauty salons, where they offer such a procedure, they claim that it produces an amazing effect. It consists of the following:

  • in the gradual smoothing of mimic and age wrinkles;
  • in moisturizing dry integuments and eliminating excess subcutaneous fat of oily skin;
  • in a noticeable narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • in the elimination of post-acne, which gradually resolve;
  • in creating a clear and embossed oval face;
  • in eliminating double chin;
  • in refreshing the complexion for a more natural look;
  • in reducing the volume of acne foci;
  • in the elimination of spider veins that become inconspicuous;
  • in whitening large and bright age spots.

In addition, after facial mesotherapy, stretch marks, scars and scars on the face are no longer conspicuous. They become paler. This procedure is also shown as a preparation or, on the contrary, recovery after laser resurfacing, surgery, mechanical or chemical peeling.

As you can see, the list of advantages of facial mesotherapy is quite impressive. At the same time, the rejuvenating effect is only one of the points that include the positive effects of this innovative procedure. Indeed, hardly any cosmetic defect is able to resist the pressure of those active ingredients that are used in facial mesotherapy. By the way, all these funds enter the dermis in a variety of ways. Each of them depends on the type of procedure, the most popular of which is fractional mesotherapy. We will consider it in more detail.

Innovative method

Judging by the reviews of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin, this procedure is a method aimed at rejuvenation, as well as the elimination of some aesthetic defects. This method is used not only in cosmetology. It is at the heart of many innovative medical procedures.

What is he? Multiple exposure to the dermis of the smallest particles of the active substance. This allows us to talk about the high efficiency of facial skin mesotherapy. Feedback on this procedure confirms that it helps to eliminate various visual problems.

Fractional therapy is actively used in modern centers of aesthetic medicine. It combines all the main advantages inherent in most of the most popular mesoinjections. The creators of this technology took into account the shortcomings of treatment with injections. At the same time, they managed to increase the effectiveness of procedures and reduce the length of the recovery period.

Reviews of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin indicate the incredible changes that occur with the epidermis after visiting the cosmetologist's office. This attracts an increasing number of patients to beauty centers,who want to experience all the benefits of an innovative direction for themselves.

Procedure technology

Those who want to turn back the clock by hiding the aging process of the skin, as well as eliminate existing aesthetic flaws, should know what the essence of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin is (see the photo of its results below).

results of mesotherapy in the eye area
results of mesotherapy in the eye area

This procedure is carried out with the introduction of a special serum or cocktail under the skin with the help of several injections that are made during one session. The depth of the puncture may vary. Its values vary depending on the individual problems of the patient. The specialist inserts a needle into the dermis ranging from 0.4 mm to 2 mm.

What is the intensity of the effect of the drug? Everything will depend on the localization of the problem area to be punctured, as well as the complexity of the defect to be eliminated.

Nozzles, with which the drug is injected, consist of nine or twelve very thin silver-plated needles, the diameter of which is 0.18 mm. All of them are at an equal distance from each other. During one session, the specialist processes approximately 25% of the area of the area to be treated.

fractional mesotherapy
fractional mesotherapy

It is worth noting that the microneedle method in cosmetology is used not only for the face. It is used for problem areas located on the neck, décolleté, abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

How is it possible to achieve suchhigh efficiency of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin? Reviews of experts about this method suggest that as a result of multiple damage to the dermis and the introduction of a special drug into it, the processes of producing elastin and collagen are activated in it. As a result, the skin is tightened and tightened. It significantly increases the speed of the process of regeneration and renewal. In addition, a new layer of the epidermis is formed.

The effectiveness of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin, according to cosmetologists and patients, is quite high. The introduction of useful substances into the dermis allows you to achieve rejuvenation in just a few sessions.

Mechanism of action

What is the secret of such a high efficiency of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin (photo before and after the procedure is presented below)?

woman before and after mesotherapy
woman before and after mesotherapy

Rejuvenation of the dermis and elimination of aesthetic problems becomes possible due to the double action provided during the session:

  • destruction of the old layer of skin;
  • rejuvenating effect with serum and cocktail.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Destruction of old skin

Why does a cosmetologist make a puncture? It is necessary in order to destroy old keratinized cells. To restore the dermis layer, the body begins to actively produce elastin and collagen. Thus, the puncture area is filled with new stem cells responsible for skin elasticity. This is what provides lifting (lifting) of the face oval.

Stem cellsare a young component of connective tissue. At the moment of mechanical damage, which is provided by punctures, they are actively introduced into the dermis layer and acquire its properties. After a day after the session of fractional facial mesotherapy, a number of positive changes occur in the skin. Thanks to the migration of fibroblasts and stem cells, used melanin is removed from the dermis, as well as old elastin and collagen. These processes contribute to the accelerated regeneration of the upper layers of the skin.

The effect of drugs

Fractional mesotherapy for problematic facial skin allows you to feel another very significant effect. It arises due to the cocktail of useful microelements, which is injected under the skin. The composition of such a product is selected by a cosmetologist individually for each client. The final decision on the use of a particular composition is made by a specialist, based on the data obtained during a visual examination, with a detailed study of the anamnesis, depending on the patient's age and goals.

In general, using this or that drug, the cosmetologist achieves many positive changes. Among them:

  • fat reduction;
  • increased lymph flow;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • activation of cellular metabolism.

Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness of fractional mesotherapy of facial skin (photos before and after the procedure allow you to evaluate the result) can be assessed after the first session.


And this fact is an undeniable advantage of an innovative technique compared to traditional plastic surgery.

Stages of implementation

Like any cosmetic procedure, fractional mesotherapy begins with make-up removal. After that, the specialist treats the epidermis with an antiseptic. By agreement with the client, the beautician can apply an anesthetic gel to the skin. In the case when anesthesia is used, the session is carried out for 20 minutes longer. At the same time, its cost also increases.

In order to pierce the skin, the cosmetologist uses a special device equipped with a set of needles, into which the solution is automatically supplied. Next, the device turns on. It acts on the dermis with such speed that when the needle is struck, the patient, as a rule, does not feel pain at all. And this is confirmed in their reviews by many women.

The cosmetologist directs the nozzle of the device at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin surface. After that, without pressing on problem areas, he smoothly moves the device, making no more than 3-4 approaches to one place.

After the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and a soothing cream or mask is applied to it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the patient can safely proceed to their daily activities. There are no traces of interference on her face. Judging by the reviews of women, only in the evening a slight reddening, similar to a he althy blush, may appear. And the very next day after the procedure in the mirror you can see a rejuvenated and refreshedface.

Cosmetologist recommendations

Sometimes women complain that facial skin after mesotherapy looks unaesthetic. It shows redness, swelling and bruising. However, such manifestations are completely eliminated in 1-2 days. After that, the skin becomes fresh and toned.

Wishing to carry out the procedure in order to obtain a preventive effect, 1-2 sessions are recommended. To eliminate defects, a course consisting of 5-6 manipulations is required. In the most difficult cases, there is a need for 10-15 procedures.

Sessions are held at intervals of 7 to 10 days. The resulting anti-aging effect remains noticeable for 6-12 months.

In order to keep the achievements as long as possible, you will need to properly care for your skin. On the first day after the session, you should not wash your face, as well as touch problem areas. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the punctures made by a specialist during the procedure should heal well. Up to this point, it is undesirable to use cosmetics and you should touch the skin as little as possible. Excluded during this period are procedures such as masks, peels and massages.

woman with white scarf
woman with white scarf

Besides this, cosmetologists forbid their clients to sunbathe, as well as visit baths and pools. During the recovery period, you will also need to give up significant physical exertion and alcohol. At this time, it is desirable to lead a he althy and measured lifestyle. What should be additional skin care, the beautician will determine,based on the body's response to exposure.

Indications for conduction

An innovative technique, which is fractional mesotherapy, allows cosmetologists to get a noticeable effect during the procedures.

elimination of facial problems
elimination of facial problems

Experts recommend this treatment for those patients who want to get rid of the following:

  • small mimic and deep age wrinkles;
  • atrophic scar formations;
  • enlarged pores;
  • decrease in skin turgor on the face;
  • age pigmentation;
  • puffiness in the eye area;
  • acne and oily skin;
  • swollen oval face;
  • acne and rosacea;
  • disturbances in facial skin relief;
  • traces of plastic surgery;
  • double chin;
  • unhe althy complexion.

Such an impressive list alone is able to answer the question about the reasons for the great popularity of this procedure. Fractional therapy is effective, painless and quite affordable. That is why a large number of women decide to try this innovative anti-aging technique for themselves. This allows them not to give up, seeing the natural biological processes of aging on their faces and remain young and beautiful for a long time.

However, fractional mesotherapy of facial skin has contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin fungus;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergy;
  • recent chemical peel.
