Cat's eye green: description of the stone, properties, features, photo

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Cat's eye green: description of the stone, properties, features, photo
Cat's eye green: description of the stone, properties, features, photo

Cat's eye is a semi-precious noble stone. In nature, it is not so common. Its unusual color gave rise to many rumors and legends. Experts say that the green cat's eye has strong magical properties, and therefore can heal ailments.


Green cat eye has a unique unique look. It cannot be confused with any other mineral. The stone belongs to chrysoberyl. A feature of the gem is a unique light effect, because of which the stone is really very similar to the eyes of a cat. This effect is also characteristic of green quartz. Gems in nature are found in different colors, but the most common is the green cat's eye (photo is given in the article).

Gem Features

There are an incredible amount of minerals in nature. All of them are very different, and this applies not only to their color, but also to lighting effects. Experts say that the effect of a cat's eye occurs on the surface of the gem due to the presence of asbestos and crocodile inside it. It is they who create a special silverstrip. The intensity of color shades largely depends on how many stones were in the ground. If we talk about the green cat's eye, then its color appears due to the presence of chromium inside the stone.

cat eye green
cat eye green

Usually, these gems are found near alluvial placers, where garnets, tourmalines and topazes are mined. Beautiful stones are mined in Sri Lanka, India and Brazil. By the way, it was in Sri Lanka that the largest cat's eye stone in history was found. It weighed 475 carats.

Stone in magic

In ancient times, the green cat's eye caused a lot of fear among people, because it was believed that outwardly it resembles the eye of the devil. For this reason, it was used to perform magical rituals. The stone was a companion of witches, magicians and sorcerers. Later, the attitude towards the gem changed, literally 100-200 years ago, chrysoberyl gained popularity. It began to be used to make gold and silver jewelry.

Cat's eye has always been considered an expensive stone. In ancient times, it was not so easy to acquire it. Only rich people could afford the stone.

In jewelry, the gem began to be very actively used in the second half of the nineteenth century after Prince Arthur presented his bride with a ring with a cat's eye. Since then, chrysoberyl has become incredibly fashionable and in demand. That is why its deposits began to be actively developed.

Physical properties of stone

Green cat's eye has many shades: from gray-green togolden-green, reminiscent of the iris of the eyes. The color of the stones depends on the content of minor impurities in them.

green cat eye photo
green cat eye photo

When the stone is cut, it is given a cabochon shape, which allows the cat's eye effect to manifest itself in the best possible way. Modern craftsmen have learned how to get synthetic stones by combining barium titanium and borosilicate fiber.

Varieties and shades

Green cat's eye (photo shown in the article) is far from the only color option for gems. In nature, there are other shades. The cat's eye includes not only chrysoberyl, but also quartz, moonstone, tourmaline, scapolite. However, it should be noted that the effect is most pronounced only for the first mineral.

A 300-carat mineral is stored in Britain's royal treasury. The gem was presented as a gift to Queen Victoria in 1886.

Speaking specifically about the green stone of the cat's eye, it is worth remembering Alexandrite. The gem has an emerald green color. In the evenings, under artificial lighting conditions, it seems that the stone takes on a red or purple hue. This effect is associated with the peculiarities of human vision.

The rarest variety of the cat's eye is cymophane. The mineral has a silky texture and a greenish-golden color. When processed correctly, a brilliant band appears in the center of the stone. The cat's eye effect is most noticeable in bright light.

How to distinguish a fake from a natural stone

Real chrysoberyl isvery expensive stone. A green cat's eye (photo is given in the article) costs a lot of money. Experts say that its price is comparable to the cost of diamonds of the same size. It is for this reason that fakes are most often present on sale. A distinctive feature of the gem is its hardness. The indicator is 85 units. on the Mohs scale. And this means that a stone can only be scratched with a sapphire, ruby or diamond. By the way, chrysoberyl itself can leave serious scratches on the glass.

In order to understand if you have a fake or an original, you need to place the stone in the dark. The gem should glow in a dark room like a cat's eyes. If you rub the stone, then its brilliance will increase. In natural light conditions, a fake usually looks brighter and more saturated than natural chrysoberyl.

Specialists note that about half of the jewelry is made with artificial stones, which are very easy to manufacture.

The magical properties of the green stone

The cat's eye has long been endowed with magical properties due to its unusual appearance. Since ancient times, such a stone was considered a strong amulet. It is said that the gem is able to save the owner from death. So, for example, one of the legends tells that in 1917 some of the aristocrats were able to move to live in France only thanks to their jewelry, which warned them of the danger.

Cat's eye green stone magical properties
Cat's eye green stone magical properties

Modern experts say that the stone cleanses the aura, as well asgives a person good luck and peace. If you wear jewelry with a gem, you can avoid outbursts of jealousy. Dark green cat's eye adjusts to harmony and positive mood.

But golden stones are associated with we alth. The mineral enhances the desire for success and helps to concentrate. A donated jewelry with such a stone evokes sympathy for the donor himself. Therefore, gems are a symbol of reconciliation.

Green cat's eye is a stone, the properties of which have worried all magicians since ancient times. And to this day it is believed that he has a powerful energy. The gem has become a symbol of luck, success and longevity.

Color Features

Light green cat's eye adds good luck to its owner, it makes a person more purposeful. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but since ancient times, the stone has been considered incredibly strong. It is recommended to wear it to those people whose activities are related to finances. Gems in a rosary or seals have the most effective effect.

cat eye light green
cat eye light green

But dark green chrysoberyl has very strong protective properties. For the greatest manifestation of the qualities of a gem, it must be worn so that it is clearly visible. Therefore, bracelets or pendants are very good in this sense. Such amulets will suit people of all professions, especially those whose work is associated with increased risk.

Healing properties

It is worth noting that in folk medicine and in lithotherapy, stone is treated with great respect. It is believed that it is endowed with healing properties. Howthe more the gem looks like a real cat's eye and the more pronounced its glare, the greater the healing effect it has.

The stone is used to combat such ailments:

  1. To relieve joint pain from bruises and other diseases.
  2. To normalize the nervous system.
  3. To improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. For lung diseases.

In addition, chrysoberyl is used to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, pancreas, eyes.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for the stone?

The unique mineral has been revered by people since the time of the pharaohs. So, for example, in the tomb in the burial place of Bastet (goddess cat), archaeologists found numerous gems. And the priests in that distant era wore diadems with such stones. Even the statues of the goddess Bastet were decorated with a cat's eye.

Gem jewelry can be worn by self-confident people, because a gem can only confuse those who are insecure.

As for the signs of the zodiac, the cat's eye is most suitable for Virgo. The green stone also has a positive effect on Scorpions, Cancers and Gemini. The amulet will certainly bring good luck to Aries. Representatives of all the listed signs of the zodiac can count on good luck and luck when wearing a stone.

Dark green cat eye
Dark green cat eye

But Leo, Libra, Pisces and Aquarius should not wear cat-eye jewelry too often. Otherwise, the stone may have a negative impact on success in the work sphere or in love affairs.

Gems are good for people of creative professions, as they inspire new achievements. Libra is another sign for which a mineral is simply necessary. It will help emphasize the romanticism and tenderness of the representatives of the sign.

Experts recommend wearing stone to firefighters, rescuers, military and police. The mineral will give the owner courage and determination. Lithotherapists recommend buying a talisman with a stone to diplomats and lecturers to make communication more flexible. The stone will help representatives of the creative segments of the population to reveal their potential.

Which stone to choose?

As we already mentioned, the cat's eye can have different shades. Gray gems look very harmonious on fair-haired girls. The necklace will add mystery to blondes and emphasize their individuality.

Green cat's eye stone properties
Green cat's eye stone properties

Light green stones look good on light skin women with red hair. The cat's eye not only carries magical properties, but can also emphasize the natural beauty of a person. The combination of fiery red hair with a green stone will set off the appearance very favorably. Dark green gems are good for brunettes and brown-haired women.


There are many cat eye jewelry on sale. The choice of various models is quite wide. Pendants, bracelets, beads, earrings, rings are decorated with stones. Jewelry with green stones is not only a beautiful accessory, but also a reliable talisman, as well as an elegant accent of your wardrobe.

Unfortunately, half of the jewelry in stores is decoratedartificial chrysoberyls. Fake stones are now widely produced in the industry. The manufacture of an artificial mineral does not require special costs. Fibrous blanks of a certain color are poured with molten glass mass. Soon it hardens, and the fibers themselves burn out, forming tubular stones. It is simply impossible to visually distinguish chrysoberyl from a fake. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase jewelry with a cat's eye in trusted places. And certainly not in street stalls. Products with such stones cannot be cheap.

Cat's eye green stone photo
Cat's eye green stone photo

When purchasing cat eye jewelry, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. Stones require delicate handling. Do not hit the product against metal objects and drop them. After wearing, the jewelry must be stored in a closed box or casket with soft walls inside. Ideally, each piece of jewelry should be in its own bag. This simple precaution will keep your jewelry safe from scratches and damage.

Cat eye items can be cleaned with a soft brush and soapy water. The mineral can be polished with a piece of silk and suede. Simple care will restore the stone's shine and purity. It is not recommended to get cosmetics, detergents and powders on the gems, as all these substances can ruin the stone.

When buying jewelry in jewelry stores, be sure to ask about the product certificate to protect yourself from fake.

Artificial chrysoberyl

Of course, jewelry with artificial stoneshas the right to exist. However, the cost of such products is not high. Such jewelry does not have the magical properties that natural stones have. And yet, if you are attracted by the bright patterns of artificial chrysoberyls, they can be purchased. For the first time developed a technique for growing artificial stones in the United States. Dyes and fiber optic glass were used to produce them. Stones made using this technique cannot be distinguished from real ones outwardly. Only the smallest of them can be transparent. Larger specimens always come out hazy.

Green cat's eye stone
Green cat's eye stone

The material used in the production of synthetic stones is called catsite. Artificial stones can contain up to 8 thousand fibers. The cost of such products is not high - from 5 to 20 dollars (300-1200 rubles). But sometimes it is these "gems" that are sold under the guise of real ones, the price of which ranges from 150-200 dollars (9-12 thousand rubles). The high cost of a natural mineral is explained by its very low prevalence.

Briefly about everything

There are a lot of legends connected with the cat's eye. Throughout the history of mankind, magic stones have inspired fear with their charms, forcing them to bow before their owner. Of course, in today's society, such worship is simply not possible. Few people believe in magicians and sorcerers anymore. And the stone itself is no longer associated with otherworldly forces. And yet, experts confidently speak of the magical properties of a beautiful mineral.

green cat eye
green cat eye

Initially, the term "cat's eye" was used to identify the iridescent species of chrysoberyl. Later it began to be used for other minerals. The effect of a cat's eye is also characteristic of tourmaline and quartz. Therefore, stones should be called as follows: "tourmaline cat's eye" or "quartz cat's eye".
