Face lifting cream: firmness and hydration

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Face lifting cream: firmness and hydration
Face lifting cream: firmness and hydration

Skin aging for a woman is one of the most terrible events. The once beautiful and elastic skin of the face becomes wrinkled, begins to sag and sag. Many are ready to lay out colossal money for plastic surgery, salon injections. All this is done in order to regain youth. Is there an alternative to the operation?


These are expensive salon procedures that are aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and tightening it. Now this is the most popular procedure for women and men who care about their appearance and want to stay beautiful longer. This is a real alternative to surgery. With the help of lifting, wrinkles are removed, the contour of the face and neck is leveled, sagging and flabby skin is in order, the double chin disappears. This is a course of several procedures that are carried out in specialized salons. Lifting is divided into two types - deep and light. Deep should be done no more than four times a year in the cabin, so that the skin does not forget how to heal itself. Well, any woman at home can do an easy one.

face lifting cream
face lifting cream

Types of lifting insalon

In the salon you will be offered several types of lifting, we will write a little about each of them.

Smas lifting - restores the subcutaneous skeleton, it is responsible for the clarity of the contour and evenness of the lines.

Thermolifting. It is also called radio frequency. This is a method of penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin to warm up collagen and elastin. The skin immediately becomes taut. Thermal lifting works like an iron, it smooths out all wrinkles.

Biological lifting. This is a real development of the future. The current penetrates into every cell, teaches it to regenerate. This gives the effect of real rejuvenation.

Plasmolifting. This is a method of point impact on problem areas. The medicine for this procedure is the client's own blood.

Laser lifting. This is a deep cleansing of the epidermis of keratinized cells. Thus, you can rejuvenate not only the face, but also the arms, neck, décolleté.

Sinus lifting. This procedure is a real miracle. With the help of high technology, it is possible to correct the upper jaw without surgery. The tissue is either transplanted or the missing bone is augmented.

Such a variety of rejuvenation methods is suitable for the most diverse and capricious clients. The procedures are very expensive, but the effect is the best without the use of surgical instruments.

lifting face cream reviews
lifting face cream reviews

Easy lifting at home

Lifting at home is less expensive. You can use the express type or deep cleaning of the skin. Sessions for home rejuvenation include the use ofmask lifting. A face lifting cream is also suitable. There is a lifting gel, a lifting serum.

Lifting mask can be bought at the pharmacy, but there is a recipe for making it at home. You need to mix a tablespoon of white clay with egg white, add lemon juice. These ingredients should be mixed well and applied to a face clean of cosmetics. When the mask is completely dry on your face, wash it off with warm water.

Face lifting cream is sold in large quantities in pharmacies. Its application is easy and pleasant. You can prepare a cream with a lifting effect for the face at home. Take a warming and moisturizing cream, mix. Add mint and egg white to it. Apply this face lifting cream to problem areas. The result will not be long in coming.

Lifting gel and serum can be bought at pharmacies. Their action has a bright effect of rejuvenation. Carrying out procedures at home, it is impossible to achieve a salon effect, since the concentration of substances in home preparations is less than in salon ones. But the real effects of rejuvenation are noticed by all women, especially since they are not so expensive. Face lifting cream receives especially positive reviews. Everyone who buys such products is satisfied with the result.

face lifting cream
face lifting cream

Best lifting face cream

Consider the most popular face lifting creams, using customer reviews. This rating will help you choose a cream for yourself, not waste your money and get a powerful result.

The company "Black Pearl" produces an inexpensive lifting cream, butqualitative. It is aimed at rejuvenation and cell regeneration. This cream can be used at night, it can also be used as a lifting day cream. It will be useful for the face if such a product is used twice a day. The cost of this product is about one hundred and fifty rubles. Age category from forty-six years old.

"One Hundred Recipes of Beauty" - cream with a lifting effect for the face. Reviews for this product are not as hot as for the previous product. This product does not contain all the substances that should be present in a real lifting cream. It gives an effect, but not as noticeable. Well moisturizes the skin, quickly absorbed. It costs about a hundred rubles.

"Vitex" - lifting cream for night use. Its substances penetrate more easily into the depths of the skin when the cells are resting. But some actively work, which allows the cream to work better. This face lifting cream received positive reviews from many forum participants, where inexpensive and effective remedies were discussed. The price of this product is two hundred rubles.

best face lifting cream
best face lifting cream

At what age should you use these creams?

Everyone should know that some ingredients found in lifting creams are not desirable for young skin. Their action can relax the cells, they become lazy and stop regenerating themselves early. Thus, old age will catch up with you earlier than expected, and you will have to use such funds regularly. You can use face lifting cream only afterforty years. At this age, the skin needs help, support and restoration. If you have noticed wrinkles and sagging before the age of thirty, then eat more foods containing collagen and elastin. They will help restore the skin structure and rejuvenate it.

face lifting cream reviews
face lifting cream reviews

Tasks of lifting cream

First, this is a deep hydration of the skin and its saturation with active ingredients. Restoration of skin elasticity. This happens due to the replenishment of the missing components in it.

Skin aging is associated with the weakening of all functions. Lifting cream should "teach" the cells to work again, remind them of their purpose. It stimulates processes whose natural course has been weakened.

Tightens facial contours, evens out features, reduces wrinkles, eliminates all visible imperfections of the skin, gives the skin a he althy color and appearance.

In order to get rid of all these shortcomings, it is worth buying a universal lifting cream.

face lifting day cream
face lifting day cream

Pay attention to the ingredients

You need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the cream. The usual postscript that the cream has a lifting effect does not guarantee that it is so. This inscription may exist to attract customers.

The composition must contain: wheat germ extract, linoleic acid, retinol, glycerin, tocopherol, urea, beeswax, peptides, collagen and elastin, essential oils, natural extracts and oils - aloe, calendula, carrot and lemon,tea tree, nutmeg.

If the composition contains these components, then the cream really has a lifting effect.

Lifting face cream: customer reviews

Women who have used or use lifting creams leave mostly positive reviews. Many noticed that the skin really began to look better. There are those who write that the use of such creams rejuvenated them enormously. Changes were noticed both at work and at home. The husband became attentive again, - many write, the mood has changed for the better.
