Types of beards - choose your symbol of masculinity, strength, as well as wisdom and power

Types of beards - choose your symbol of masculinity, strength, as well as wisdom and power
Types of beards - choose your symbol of masculinity, strength, as well as wisdom and power

Requirements for the appearance of a modern man allow any facial hair - from light unshaven in the form of a three-day stubble to mustaches and beards of various lengths and shapes. More recently, this was unacceptable, and only a perfectly shaved face was an indicator of neatness and grooming.

Types of beards
Types of beards

At all times in the development of mankind, among different peoples and cultures, different types of beards were of great importance for society and others. There were traditions, both religious and social, according to which it was necessary to properly wear a beard. But absolutely in all cultures there was the following idea: if a man decided to grow facial hair, then he was ripe for a conscious, open expression of his beliefs. After all, growing a beard is not as easy a process as it might seem. Great patience is required both for growing vegetation and for proper care of it. But in everythingtimes, all kinds of beards were an integral part of male pride.

So, in ancient times, the facial hair of a man was, first of all, a sign of masculinity, strength, power and wisdom. It was considered the greatest shame if a person's beard was shaved off. And in Russia, for causing damage to any vegetation on a man's face, a large fine for those times was supposed, the size of which was only three times less than the fine for killing a person. Various types of beards were proudly worn by kings, kings, patriarchs, prophets and even Jesus Christ. As Karl Marx argued, history from antiquity to the present does not develop around the economy, but around the beard.

There were also times when the appearance of a clean-shaven face in public was punished, for which they could even be executed. And vice versa - at other times, any kind of beard was legally punishable. Facial hair was taxed, and each social group in society could only afford a certain type and shape of a beard.

types of beard haircuts
types of beard haircuts

Today, the shapes and types of beard haircuts can be different: wedge-shaped or oval, wide or narrow. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the merits or hide the imperfections of the face from others. If a man with a fair face and dark hair, then it is better to give preference to not too voluminous vegetation, and shave off the hair on the cheeks altogether. A slightly elongated or elongated face is rounded by an oval beard. For chubby men, the ideal option would be her elongated shape with a medium-sized mustache. Triangular face implies wearing option“a la horseshoe” or “square” - this will give it massiveness. The shape of the "square" visually narrows the lower jaw of a trapezoidal face.

beard types
beard types

To obtain the desired shape of the beard, the types of which have already been studied and the appropriate one has been selected, it is also necessary to determine the density of facial hair, and only then proceed to the haircut. To get an oval beard, stylists recommend cutting the hair on the cheeks and neck first, and only then all the rest. In the case of a conical shape, it is imperative to adhere to straight lines, without kinks, and it is advisable to shave the hair on the cheeks. Creating a "Russian" elongated beard begins with cutting the base and separating the mustache from the rest of the vegetation. To do this, carefully trim the hair at the lower lip and corners of the mouth.

Remember that it is the beard that can drastically change the face, so choose the right forms and types of it!
